Sunday, 22 May 2011

The T.A.R.D.I.S

Big Badass Blue Box.
okay, so the doctor has a magical police box he teleports around in? thats what i used to think of Doctor Who before i started watching it alot, now i know all sorts of triva, and i must admit im slightly proud that i can recall the entire acronym off heart! Time And Relative Demenstion In Space, now thats something im not so sure about, so its like another room somewhere in space? not actually in the police box? oh well, its mysterious which makes it even better, im abit of a newbie when it comes to TARDIS's because i  have only seen the new series of episodes and only two TARDIS designes, but i must admit the new design is very sexy, i loved the episode "The doctors wife" because it took me on alittle adaventure though the TARDIS wish i saw more rooms that would've been awesome, only some generic corridor scenes, oh and Rory died, for the third time, c'mon, kill somebody else next time?
i dont think there is anything more epic in an episode than when something horrible is about to happen or somebody is about to die and you hear that wooshing sound of the TARDIS, you just know something badass is about to happen!

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